Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Can't Lose What You Never Had
Baby you're so beautiful
And when I'm near you
I can't breathe
A girl like you gets who she wants
When she wants it
You're so out of my league
I show you no emotion
Don't let you see what you're doin' to me
Imagine the two of us together
But I've been livin' in reality
Fear of rejection, kept my love inside
But time is running out, so damn my
Foolish pride
Don't care if you think I'm crazy
Doesn't matter if it tums out bad
Cos I've got no fear of losin' you
You can't lose what you never had
Rules are made for breaking
Nothin' ventured nothin' gained
I'll be no worse off then I am right now
And I might never get the chance again
Tried to fight it but it cannot be denied
Told my heart I didn't want you but I lied
::Repeat Chorus::
Now I'm gonna confess that I love you
I been keepin' it inside feelin' I could die
Now if you turn away then that's OK
At least we'll have a moment before
You say good bye
Here on the outside lookin' in
Don't wanna stay dreamin' 'bout
What could have been
I need to hear you speak my name
Even if you shoot me down in flames
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The Real McCoy (Sweetie Pie)

Nice Ice-Cream!!!
Friday, March 24, 2006
She Claims To Be My Sweetie Pie, Guess Who She Is!!!

I was rather bored last Friday, so I picked my Dad's camera and went around snapping!!

Studying Alone in Discussion Room. FG and Rexx Pang-Sei Me That Day!!

The Wild Boar's Lair. Standby Bed Sure Fail.

My Old Pillow Case
"If You Want Happiness For An Hour... Take A Nap,
If You Want Happiness For A Life Time... Learn To Love What You Do"

My Chin Up Bar.

The View From My Room.

This Is What You See When You Enter My House.

This Is What You See After Coming Out From My Toilet.

My Brother's Room.

My Brother's Starbucks Mugs!!

My Brother's Pillow "Nobody Gets Rich From Sleeping".
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be,
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm.
Friday, March 17, 2006
I am suffering from insomnia!!!! I cant sleep, so find things to do and thus the previous post. Maybe I should try studying, that always help!!!
How To Make A Woman Happy?
1. Buy her flowers.
2. Remember birthday.
3. Buy her dinner.
4. Shower her with gifts.
5. Say 'I Love You' twice a day.
6. Be gentle, understanding, loving and caring.
7. Be someone you are not just to accommodate her.
8. Be nice and leave a good impression for her family.
9. Do whatever it takes for her.
So on and on and on and the list will never end!!!!!
How To Make A Man Happy?
1. Just leave him in peace!!!!
Disclaimer: I read these somewhere, what do you guys/gals think?
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Ok, here I am blogging because suddenly I feel like blogging, NOT because I was ordered by a princess. As all of you know, I have been studying real hard for my exams and thats why I have not been blogging (LIES!!!!).
The truth is, my life has turned topsy turvy. I sleep in the day and awake at night. Might be due to my weird working hours, but for the last week, my folks were in China for holiday!!! And since my brother lives with his gf, I had one bloody 5-room HDB flat all by myself!!! I could watch Champions League without someone bugging me to go sleep and wake up at weird hours when I should be studying instead. In the end, I went for only the Maths Mock Exam, and AWOLed the rest...... Hai...... Should have went for the company cruise instead, Oh Yah, Attica sponsored a cruise trip for all staff, including partime staff, to Penang and Phuket. But I wanted to go for my mock exams...... Back at work, I was mocked for going for mock exams, especially when I wasnt prepared and gave up a free trip.
On Sunday nite, for the second time since I was studying in SIM, I was activated to go for supper at 1am. Its crazy, but I enjoyed myself with the great company. My folks are back from their holidays, lets hope I get the discipline to continue mugging hard for my final exams!!! ARgghhhhh!!!
One my friends asked me:"Eh, her sister and BF both 25 this year and getting married, how come you havent?"
I got snooked by this question and I didnt know how to answer. When I was young, I always thought the idea age to get married was 25. But until now, I am still waiting for a galfriend... So I guess that target is now push back to when I am at least 30. My friends tell me that I am picky, but to me, even though I have a mega feeling for someone new. I have to get to know the person for sometime, before I can be sure of myself. If I like someone because that person likes me or is nice to me, then I dont think its fair to the person, especially when I know there is someone else in my heart. To accept someone immediately after getting over a heartbreak is unacceptable for me.
I am in a dilemma, should I wait or move on. I tried moving, but I am stuck. Have to lose weight, maybe that helps to run faster. I have been waiting all my life, from 13 to 19 to 22 to 25. All for different reasons and its very tiring. Do I really for settle for something else? Actually I think I blog this before, dont wanna bored other with this whining again.
Full steam ahead for my degree!!!!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Here I am sitting alone at home eating Ice-cream, thinking about how to regain my focus to study. As I think and think, I begin to think about other things as well. Then I realise, I have been thinking too much. I should be enjoying my Magnum Ice-cream and savour the moment.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The feeling is back, every time I am under stress, I feel like smoking... Hai...This feeling is bad. Will try HARD to curb it!!!! No.... I WILL CURB the feeling!!!
I am starting to feel the stress of working and studying. Last night while I was working, my mind was a blank. Mentally tired and trying to stay awake. However, a few funny moments i encountered this few days help to "entertain" me.
On Thursday, I was studying at King Albert Park Mac with Diver, First Lady and Ah Da at 3 plus. It first damn noisy initially, couldnt study at all. Then most of the noisy JC kids left at 4plus and manage to concentrate on studying. During the course of studying, I notice that there was this male Mac staff, I think he is about 13-15 yrs, being especially nice to this pair of NJC ( I think, or is it HCJC?) couple. Each time he walked pass them, he would try to get their attention, like asking them if they would like to have plain water to drink, offer them balloons. Around 7plus, he asked them in Chinese:"Wah, study u all still studying ah. Wah Secondary School are you all from?" The couple looked bewildered and had alot of ????? around their head replyed:" eh, we are studying in JC..." The guy looked confused too and said:"See u guys later." 30mins later, the guy apparently finished work and come to say good bye to the couple and left. This time, more ??????????? appeared from the couple. From my point of view, I guess the MAC guy is interested in the JC gal but LanLan because the JC guy was around....
Friday night, I left school ard 845 for work. FG and Qiuyi had just left earlier 815, but I wanted to finished the chapter I was studying. I boarded bus 74 to switch bus outside the Old YHS factory. On the bus, there were about 5 to 6 Ang Moh Gals, about 16-20yrs old?, among them was about 4 blondes and 2 asian mixed, but all of them spoke with the ang moh slang. Somehow, the way they speak, they sounded very confident and with this high tone. When the bus was at NP busstop, they were chattering and suddenly they realise, are them on the right bus? Is the bus turning left to left toward bukit timah or right to town. Clearly, they were confuse but yet they sounded so 'confidently':"Oh, I think we got up the wrong bus, it doesnt turn that way(left), it turns teh other way(right)." Then the bus turns right, and at the bus stop they happily alighted and cross the overhead bridge. At least, I get to see first hand, the meaning of DUMB BLONDEs!!!
Anyway, can you imagine, 5 ah bengs in the same situation? --- (Translation for the benefit for Lin and others who dont understand ah beng Language.)
Ah beng 1 - Eh, siao eh. Long bus La. (wrong bus)
Ah beng 2 - No Lah. CorLack La. (correct La)
Ah beng 3,4,5 - kuai kuai leh. (dont look correct)
Bus turns right.
Ah beng 2 - Hong Gan, lilly long bus. Loh Chia Loh Chia!!!!!! (Die Die, really wrong bus, alight now!!)
Ah beng 1,3,4,5 - (while hurrying down) #$^#$%#^#$^#$ N* B** C** B**!!!!!!
I rest my case... I just realise that blogging is a good way to relieve stress.
Now I carry on to my work yesterday:
If you are old, fat and ugly, its ok. As long as you are rich, young gals will flock to your side. Have seen too much of this in Attica. ARghh!!!!
Two sets of Ang Moh men (supposely to be rich and working for some MNC) bought 1 bot of Dom Perignon Champagne ($450) each. Both of sets did not open immediately, wanted to save it for the ladies later. The ladies came around 1 am and all of them suddenly disappeared around 3am without opening the bottles and instructions for the bottles. Luckily, they paid for them already. These people so than forget about them. Lets hope they dont come back looking for it.