Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I feel like I am drifting away......I dont seem to click with anyone......Like thats a barrier between me and everyone......Or is it just exams stress.......
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Are expectations suppose to be something that you expect to happen or something which you feel should happen? It seems like fine line dividing the two, but usually there is a great difference between the two.
On Wednesday, I went to MOS to hang out, not really celebrate my birthday but still thanks to someone, I really enjoyed myself. After that, around 3plus, I hop over to Attica to take a look and talked to the Bar Manager. Wrong Move!!! He realise that it was my birthday and gave a "special" Waterfall to enjoy. It had its desired effect and I waterfalled straight the disgust of my floor supervisor. Then came my Floor Manager!!! She wanted to give me Waterfall as well but I rejected straight away. So she settled for a Flaming Lambourgini. That that it helped but still it was better then a Waterfall. This time I survived it and made my way home.
Its Thursday!!! 20th April...Today is my day. My 25th Birthday. My SIM Friends gave me a Surprise Birthday Party, about 30 of them!!!! Though I expected something but I didnt expect so many people to turn up!!! Thanks Everyone!!!
Friday, After a long deliberation, finally decided to down to DBL O with Robin. Not really an enjoyable night, the highlight being watching Liwen puke!!! Haha!!! How often does that happen? Maybe alot but its my first time seeing her puke...... RnB come on only around 2am. By then the place was emptying and MS was like a ghost town. Guess everyone is at MOS!!
Summary of my birthday presents this year:
1 x Nokia 6280
1 pair Adidas Shoes
1 x Braun Buffel Wallet
2 x Ang Pow
1 x Card from my Sweetie Pies
1 x Ice Cream
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday 15 April 2006
After today's Econs by the UOL Lecturer, Mr Amos Witzum, I am more confused for what to study for Econs. I guess Mr Ting's style is to teach us to pass while Mr Amos is for us to excel. Hai...... Freaking Confuse!!! I met up with my secondary buddies after that, yet another one of them is attached...... so happy for him. Talking about buddies/brothers, this term is sometimes overused. To me, it means that a bunch of friends who have gone thru thick and thin, the good and bad times over a considerable period time, being there for one another. Time will tell you who the true friends, hi-byes and hypocrites are.
Friday 14 April 2006
A boring day at home after work the previous day, Caleb jio me go Kulai for supper. I agreed almost immediately without hesitation. Finally get a chance to ride semi long distance in Msia. So exciting!! We went to this Chinese seafood restaurant in JB initially but it had to be closed!! So we made the quick journey to Kulai for Nasi Lemak and Chicken Burger Special. The chicken for the Nasi Lemak was fantastic!! The Chicken Burger Special Great but it only ok. Just the cute way the chicken patty was wrapped in an egg, just like how they cook mee pattaya.

The Kulai Chicken Burger Special
On the way back, I almost crash into Caleb's friend, it was really a near miss. We were going pass a wet area and we slowed down. I took my eyes off the road for a moment, looking for hidden pot holes. Then I looked up and say Caleb's friend bike just infront of me, I quickly swerved away and got away in one piece. Pheww... I clocked 130km/h on the way back. Thrilling indeed!!
Thursday 13 April 2006
Today is my Chinese Birthday!!! According to the Lunar Calendar, I am 26 this year!!! Rush home from school to eat special birthday dinner and went to off to work. Its Good Friday Eve, so we get more pay today, therefore I chose this day as my last day of work. It was boring initially, but towards the end of the night, it was just great!!! I was in charge of the VIP area... our former club dancer was there...she is just hot!!! And she was ermm dancing very closely to me...Haha... Its just part of their culture to be very friendly and I didnt mind abit....none at all!!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Its been more than a month since I last blog about my thoughts and happenings in my life. I have alot of thoughts and things to bitch about. But I have been trying to study almost everyday, but things are moving very slowly. When I reach home, no more brain cell to do anything except talk cock on MSN or play games (which dont need brains).
Recently, got hooked to this puzzle solving website called "The Wicked". The creator is a bloody J2 student from a Local JC. I must say he is a mini genius to come out with something like that. But I am stuck at level 36 and want to save my precious brain cells studying.
Its been a week since the last ODAC meeting and I havent finish the minutes!!!! I think I will finish it tonight... Hopefully.....When you are doing something you dont like to do....Its difficult to find time to do....When you are doing something you like to do or for someone you like....There is no such thing as no time!!!
I recieved a very pleasant surprise on Sunday Afternoon 09/04/06. My parents came with a new Nokia 6280 phone and its my advance Birthday Present!!! I am so happy over the moon and wanted to give them a bloody big hug each!!! I was so dumbfounded and no words could come out of my mouth!!! Its the most expensive/valuable thing they ever bought for me but I like this the most because I never expected it!! When I was a kid, I bugged them for 3 years before they bought me a Sega 32bit video game when I was 14, 4 months after we moved to my current home then a PC arrived at my home when I was 17. Since then, I never asked my parents for money to buy anything that is unessential. Maybe except for the 2 weeks holiday cum educational trip to France, Switzerland and Germany with Temasek Poly.
I am lucky enough that my parents are paying for my University Education, but I just have problems studying. Must be the Chicks in SIM that are distracting me!! I have thought of a back up plan... My ex-boss keep telling me, though its good for me to be studying, if I ever want to go back to SAF. He would gladly help me. I must say I am bloodly tempted to go back but I have too many lovely friends in SIM to leave behind!!!
Talking about friends, some of my friends are deeply interested in some gals. One is damn bloody shy and dont know how to express himself well. He likes this gal and his ears turn bloody red instanteneously. The other express himself damn bloody well...except to a selected few..... Right now I guess he is interested to this nice gal who is supposed have turned single again but he doesnt want to admit it, becos the repercussions it might have. Another one supposedly was going thru a super duper bloody low after a failed attempted relationship. But his recovery was enhanced by someone great that he met and is enjoying a wonderful relationship. Me?? Happily enjoying my singlehood and also as the infamous third party in a few other relationships!!
Imagine fishing in a pond with no fish, then you find a new pond with fishes to fish in, but you realise that there are more fishermen then fishes in the pond. Then you move on to another pond with nobody fishing, but then you realise that the pond is full of piranhas. And the search goes on for the pond with the right fish and nobody fishing!!!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006

OUR NEW TREKKING LOCATIONS FOR ODAC!!!!**If only this are the locations, I would volunteer to be IC for evey Trip
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Are your friends really your friends? Why do you treat some better than others? Are you friends by choice or by circumstances?