Friday, December 29, 2006
Opening for Cafe Del Mar has been pushed back to 25th Jan 2007, think I gonna be attached to MOS or Clinic after the New Year....
SIM ODAC had a fun filled Costume Xmas Party at Jishun's place on Wed!!! Pics to be uploaded soon!!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I am posting this at work, as my colleagues are on leave today and I am still highly intoxicated from last night and therefore I can afford to slack.
I spend my Xmas Night at a Gay Party!!! The DJ who used to spin at ATTICA Super Sundays, aka Gay Night, jumped ship to St James Power Station. Alot of people have misconceptions of gays and their lifestyle, but they are just like any other humans, except that they like guys. I must admit I did have reservations about going down and being seen at a gay party. But I realise that though they are touchy among themselves, they do not "anyhow" with straight people. Who says straight people cant have fun at a gay party?
Though I am STRAIGHT, I must admit that I like the music being played by DJ George. Its make people really happy and want to party! So a couple of ATTICA staffs went down to Powerhouse on XMAS, of cos we saw lots of familiar faces. We used to serve them at ATTICA and now we are partying with them. Making friends with your customers really helps sometimes, thanks to Guangrong. We had free flow of champagne throughout the night! Think I had about 15 glasses. Usually I can high on alcohol very quickly, but after 6-7 glasses of champagne, I still didnt feel anything and I continued drinking till about 10 glasses and I finally felt high. I tot that found a drink that I could drink and not still be sober...but I was wrong, I forgot that for champagne and wine, their kick creeps in slowly and before u realise, u are KOed. The moment I got into a cab, I was knocked out till I got home. I changed and dump myself into bed, but the next thing I knew, my mum was screaming at me for making a mess out of the toilet and I found myself hugging my own toilet bowl. Ya, I am gross out by myself. Eeeeeeeee...
Lets talk about about the gay party at St James, its called Fabulous Sunday. Powerhouse is like 4 to 5 times the size of ATTICA but the place was jam packed!! And they had live acts as well!! Its like a circus!! They had people performing stunts while being held by wires in mid air... ATTICA certainly cant fight with Powerhouse with these "attractions" plus the fact that the DJ has jumped over and their place is so much more bigger!!!
Damn it, my head is hurting again. I have learnt my lesson and will not down so much champagne in such a short time.
I watched Curse of the Golden Boobs before the gay party. To me, the show was disappointing, because it wasnt what I expected and the ending really sucked. And seeing Jay in the Tang Dynasty costumes, especially the warrior suit, really makes me want to laugh!!! He doesnt have the Wuxia look, he is more suited for modern shows. Just like how Initial D was perfect for him.
Xmas Eve was spent working, the second year that I spent Xmas and New Year Eve working at ATTICA. How sad right, but nevermind, I enjoyed my Xmas Eve dinner and I hope you enjoyed yours too!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My new playground in 2007
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Today marks the 2nd month for which I went smoke free again......This is the 4th attempt since I enrolled in SIM. The previous 3 times ended after the 2nd month, cometh Jan 17, lets hope I am still smoke free....
The last two days have been marked by sickness. Severe sore throat, feverish and coughing endlessly. Somehow I managed to survive work. And I found out that drinking Vodka Redbull doesnt help at all, it gave me a splitting headache after that.
Just bloody glad the weekend is over!
When 2007 comes, I will no longer be a server at Attica but a bartender at Cafe Del Mar in Siloso Beach!!!!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
True friends dont talk behind each other's back.
I lay in in bed, sick, tired and hungry and no one around me. How nice the feeling is....
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Yes, Adjam 2006 is over. I must say its quite successful. Kudos to the organising committee for all the planning they did.
I saw a shooting star for the first time in my life at Fort Siloso Carpark!!! Time will tell if my wish came true....
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Lots of questions in my mind and only YOU have all the answers..... but you dont read blogs..... so how?
What is the meaning of Domestic Partnership? Being a member of friendster for 3 yrs, but I still dont understand. Can someone enlighten me? Anyway my status has always been single, think its gonna remain the same for quite a while.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I wanna be the one who watch the starry night with you at Pasir Ris bench, play paintball with you, rock climbing with you, wall/mountain climbing with you, skiing with you, diving with you.................. The One who can make you fall in love all over again...