Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Today I discovered the wonders of YouTube....Yes I know I am abit slow...... My first post from YouTube is one of my favourite matches of all time.
Newcastle Vs Man U at St James Park. 20 October 1996. (Pardon the poor quality of the video, after all its been 10 yrs!)
The second is a tribute to Alan Shearer. My all time favourite soccer player.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Today's lesson was cancelled, so I went to school to do "revision" but ended up studying one hour and reading newspaper the other times. Then Shawn called saying Weijie ending work early and jio us go play billiard. I tried to resist the temptation but I lost out. So after waiting for Patrick to finish his Macro lesson. We headed for the bus stop and they suddenly suggested MAHJONG. Without any hesitation, everyone agreed and we headed to Weijie's place. When we reached his place, I saw a weighing machine and stand on it. It read 88kg but his mum say have to add 2kg as its not accurate. Still I am 9okg and I lost 5 kg since the last time I weigh myself! Oh well, the mahjong session went smoothly for me.... 1 leg win 3 legs. Thats a saying that if you are down in somethings, you will be up for others... Seems quite true!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Things that looked rosy one month ago, looks like its getting stagnant and stale. Since exams are coming, I guess its a sign to concentrate on my studies.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I am so exhausted, I feel like I just came back from a 3 day 2 night exercise in Tekong.
I worked 9 hrs on Thurs, 15 hrs on Friday, 14 hrs on Saturday and 12 hrs on Sunday. The reason? Cafe Del Mar had its grand opening on Friday evening and everybody worked like dogs to get them ready. Everybody including the managers right down to the bartenders and servers. Seriously speaking, the place was just not operationally ready. We were still doing up the place when some early birds came. Before the bar was ready, we are guest streaming in and soon thousands of people were there!
There were about 3300 guest stuck in our tiny premises including the beach. The bar is an island bar and we had orders coming left, right, center and we had free flow of beer, champagne and housepours. The bloody angmohs, most of them are down right fucking rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They fucked us for being slow and poor service. I guess they must be blind and can see that we are not only serving them but also a sea of people surrounding the bar. If you want service, be patient and we will give you service. If you cant fucking wait, please go somewhere else, we dont want to earn your dirty money!!!!! Yes, I really felt like jumping over the bar and giving the fucking angmoh a smack in face. Some of them are really bastards.
The crowd only subsided around 3am in the morning, that was when I had a chance to eat my dinner! Its just crazy, when I finished at 8am, I went to the hotel room that the company booked for us and just drop dead on the floor! And the work started again at 6pm all the way to 8am and I slept till 2pm and reported for work all the way till closing at 1am. We got out of sentosa near 245 and got home around 330.
So bloody shack, I had only one meal a day for the three days and I was like a walking zombie.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Jealousy is a vulgar word for me. But yet, I was almost overcome by it. I was seething with anger, my blood was boiling and I wanted to wallope those two guys! Two guys who I dont really like in the first place, added incentive to whack them, but my head took over control of my heart and so I walked away. Keeping my sanity and reputation in place. The sight was really unbearable. Yes, everybody was having fun but not me. It was suppose to be a great night out for everyone and so I kept my emotions in place. Thus not ruining the night for everyone, except mine.
Is this called anger management? Or just plain......WEAK?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Some random updates:
Last Sunday was the 2nd trip to Powerhouse Fabulous Sunday Party...... Among the gays, I saw FIONA XIE!!!! Oh gosh...she was making out with a butch!!! Bloody Lucky BITCH!! They were dancing beside me half the time, so I guess I could claim that I partied with Fiona Xie? We went down again yesterday, half hoping to see her there again!!! Zq's friend came down specially for her!!! Haha... But as expected she wasnt there!
Completed my attachment at the Clinic. The music at Clinic is almost similar to Attica Too but the crowd is mainly Singaporean Chinese yuppies compared to the expats at Attica. The tips was also miserable. 3 and 5 bucks for the first 2 days, peanuts. Iife in the bar is so fast pace! But I guess I will adapt to it. Being stuck in the bar is so bored, especially when u are washing glasses half the time.
I am starting work at Cafe Del Mar this Thurs! The Official opening is set as this Friday!!! So exciting!!!! See you guys there!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Finally... The People Who Made It All Possible

The Best Dressed!!!
The ODAC EXCOs 2006
The Ladies!

The Boys!!!
Pics from ODAC Dinner N Dance Once More!!!
Wildboar Goes on a Killing Spree!!!
Asassinating the Emperor of China
Slaying the Skeleton King


Take no hostages!
More Pics From ODAC Dinner N Dance
Wildboar and the Little Bird Fairy
Wildboar and Joyce the Country Gal
Wildboar and Charlene the School Gal and Phantom
Wildboar and Chunmin the SIA Air Stewardess
ODAC Secretaries - Past and Present
Pics from ODAC Dinner n Dance at Jishun's Place
My Sweetie Pie and the Wildboar in Warrior Suit
Wildboar with 2 lovely Race Queens Jas and Belly
Wildboar with Serene the Lovely Santarina

Wildboar and the Little King
Wildboar and the Little Goat Fairy
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
I have officially quit Attica......But my last day of work as NYE, but it was suppose to New Year Day but the managemetn decided they werent going to open Attica Too and thus I wasnt about to say goodbye to all the part timers and staff there... Kinda sad, cos I work 16 months at Attica. But most of my closer colleagues are leaving or already left, which makes the leaving easier. The thing that I gonna miss the most is the tips and also afew customers who I made friends with and always tips me alot! The Operations Manager tried to persuade me to stay, but I already promise to join Cafe Del Mar.... But I got a feeling, I gonna be back at Attica one day, if I dont get used to Cafe Del Mar.
I am getting attached to Clinic at The Cannery until 25 Jan when Cafe Del Mar opens! So exciting!