Monday, August 27, 2007
FOT 2007 PICS Part 3

Preparing for Miss Pelepah 2007
Our skit
Miss Pelepah 2007

The contestants

Deja Vu

The end of FOT 2007

The supporting cast

OG1 OGLs signing off

Hearty meal before heading back home!
More Pics From FOT 2007

Setting off for the trek!
At the first waterfall
Now u see me!
Now u dont!

Where did I go?
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!

Its a fake smile! I was in damn bloody pain!

Still I made it to the top!

Missing Again! Cos I went to the hospital!
Pictures From FOT 2007
OGLs From OGL1 - Past and Present Secretaries!

OG1 waiting at Kranji

OG 1 at the customs
Satisfied look after setting up the tents
Birdie and Boar
Ready for War!
the Mummy!
Defending the mummy

The aftermath

Pool Games!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Been back for a couple of days since FOT 2007 at Pelepah and I enjoyed it as much as I did for the previous trips. I guess that most of you would have known by now that I had a terrible fall at Pelepah and luckily for me, there was this "hole" in the cascade that saved me from falling further. However, the impact of the fall cause my arm to suffer immense pain that I tot I had dislocated my arm. Oh yes, the pain is something that I had never felt before and definitely didnt chao keng! My first tots was how the hell was I going to climb to the top and out of Pelepah. Luckily Alain was there to execute first aid for me and also tobacco!! I am just bloody glad now that my arm suffer only muscle trauma and no dislocation, but then....I cant downgrade liao!! But I suspect there is something wrong with my muscle now, its still swollen like 1.5 times of my left arm. Maybe I should see a local doctor or a physio. Have lots of pics to upload but not enough time. Maybe another day.
Oh yes, I took up the post of VP of SIM Soccer Club. I dont know why I agreed but, SIM Soccer Club has already GROWN with FG, REX and myself in the club....
Next up, I am finally going Hong Kong!!! With my parents and my brother!! 7-10 August 2007. After that is Taiwan with the Junkies!! 13-23 August 2007. Back to back holidays!! Ya, so after the holiday trips, its gonna be bread and porridge and plain water all the way liao....